
The Narvar Returns & Exchanges integration with Klaviyo helps retailers incorporate shipping event data into Klaviyo’s marketing platform, enhancing their ability to develop more relevant campaigns triggered during carrier events. Combining Narvar and Klaviyo gives you greater control over customer segmentation and targeting, improving your ability to ensure the right message is delivered to the right customer at the right time.

Getting Started with Klaviyo


  • Access to Private API keys in Klaviyo in order to configure webhook settings.
  • Admin access in Narvar Returns & Exchanges in order to configure webhook settings and trigger statuses for Klavyio.
  • Email Templates must be ready for use in Klaviyo to create Flows.
  • If default Narvar emails need to be disabled submit a ticket with our support team here and we will be happy to assist you.

What is an API Key?

An API key is like a password for a software application, such as a website or mobile app. It is a unique code that helps identify your app when it connects to another service. Here’s what an API key does:

  • Identification: The API key tells the service who you are, like showing your ID to access a restricted area.
  • Authentication: The service checks if your API key is correct. If it is, you are allowed to use the service, similar to entering a password to log into a website.
  • Authorization: It decides what you can do with the service. For example, you might only be able to view data (read-only), or you might be able to make changes (full access).

Narvar Return & Exchange Klaviyo Webhook Setup

Create an API Key in Klaviyo

Note: This step requires a Klaviyo user with Owner, Admin, or Manager with Admin access.

To re-authenticate your Klaviyo account complete the following steps:

  • Log in to Klaviyo.
  • Click your organization name in the bottom left.
  • Select to Settings.
  • Choose API keys.
  • Click Create Private API Key from the left-side menu.
  • Give the key a name that will help you identify its use, such as “Narvar” or “Narvar Integration.”
  • Return to this page and click the following link to populate the following information automatically: https://www.klaviyo.com/create-private-api-key?scopes=events:read,events:write,metrics:read 
    • If the link does not auto-populate, follow the steps below to continue:
      • From the Select Access Level section on the left, select Custom Key.
      • A table will appear on the right side of the page.
        • Under Read/Write Access select: Events.
        • Under Read Access select: Metrics.
        • All other options can be left as No Access.
  • The resulting screen should include the following settings:
    • Private API Key Name = “Narvar Integration” (or similar)
    • Events = Read/Write Access
    • Metrics = Read Access
    • All other options = No Access

Klaviyo Custom API Key Settings (2).png

  • Click Create in the upper-right corner.
  • Copy your Private API key value to paste into Hub using the steps below.

Private API Key UI (1).png

Note: You cannot access this key again after you close the Klaviyo page. Make sure you have successfully saved this key value in Narvar Hub using the steps below before closing this page.

Add the API key to Klaviyo Partnerships Page in Narvar Hub

Note: Adding the API Key to the Partnerships page in Hub is only necessary if you are using Narvar Track or Notify. 

You must be a Narvar Admin-level user (not a Manager) to access the following page.

  • Log in to your Hub account. 
  • Open the menu and navigate to Partnerships > Klaviyo.
  • Paste the API key into the provided section under Klaviyo API Key (v3).
  • Click Save.

Klaviyo API Key UI.png 

Add the API key to Klaviyo Webhook in Narvar Shopify App

You also need to add the API key to your Klaviyo Webhook in the Narvar Return & Exchange app in your Shopify store by following the steps below:

  • After the key is generated, Access the Narvar App in Shopify.
  • Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Webhooks.
  • IMPORTANT - Edit the Endpoint URL to: https://us-central1-narvar-zero-standalone.cloudfunctions.net/klaviyo-2024-06 
  • Add the new API key generated in Klaviyo in the steps above in the Password field. Be sure to replace the entire value.
  • Click Save.

Advanced Settings.png

Edit Webhook.png


Trigger Webhook Statuses

To set the triggers as an available metric to use in Klaviyo Flows, you must trigger the webhook manually in Narvar so that it is generated in Klavyio. You only need to trigger the webhooks once, and only the ones you're planning to use with the Klaviyo/Narvar integration. Follow the steps below to trigger a test order:

  • Begin by initiating a test return in your Shopify store.
    • Change status of the RMA to On Its Way in the dashboard.
    • Change status to Delivered.
    • Change status to Approved.
      • This step will provide the metrics in Klaviyo for return_initiated, return_on_its_way_to_retailer, return_delivered_to_retailer, and return_approved.
  • Initiate a second test return.
    • Change status of the RMA to Cancelled by Retailer.
    • Change status to Resolve Manually without Automation.
      • This step will provide the metrics in Klaviyo for return_cancelled_by_retailer, return_resolve_manually_without_automation.
  • Initiate a third test return.
    • Trigger the status for Cancelled by User by cancelling the RMA through the return flow.
      • This step will provide the metric in Klaviyo for return_cancelled_by_user.
  •  Initiate a fourth test return.
    • Change status of the RMA to Rejected.
      • This step will provide the metric in Klaviyo for return_rejected.

Klaviyo Setup

Set Flow Triggers

  • Before you set up Flow Triggers, make sure to turn the Narvar Webhook configuration to Off so that live returns do not receive the Klaviyo notifications until you're ready.
  • Set up a Flow Trigger based on the desired Metric in Klaviyo.
  • If you've completed the Trigger Webhook Statuses step correctly, the Metrics below should be available for use.


If you need to disable any default Narvar return emails, submit a ticket with our support team here.




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